Nucleus Study Guide


The nucleus is the most important organelle as compared to other cell organelles. The nucleus is spherical in shape and present in every cell. The nucleus contains genes, which have hereditary information. It is present in the middle of the cell and contains all of the cell chromosomes, and it has a membrane around it that stores all chromosomes inside it. Each chromosome contains many genes.

What is the Nucleus?

The nucleus is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. The nucleus is the largest organelle in the cell and contains most of the cell’s genetic information. A Nucleus consists of a nuclear membrane, chromosomes, nucleolus, and nucleoplasm. A nuclear membrane consists of pores that allow the passage of molecules in and out of the nucleus.

Structure of the Nucleus


The nucleus in a cell contains a nucleoplasm, also known as karyoplasm, a nuclear membrane called the nuclear envelope, nucleolus, and chromosomes. The nucleus of a cell contains DNA, which controls the cell’s growth, form, and function.

Nuclear Membrane

It is the double-layered system that surrounds the elements of the nucleus. The nuclear membrane separates materials of the nucleus from the cytoplasm. There is a space between the two layers of the nuclear membrane filled with liquid, and the outer layer of the nuclear membrane is combined with the endoplasmic reticulum. Many nuclear pores are present in the nuclear membrane, which helps regulate the material between the nucleus and cytoplasm.


It is a solid, spherical-shaped structure inside the nucleus. Nucleolus is a non membrane bound organelle. The nucleolus is involved in protein synthesis by producing ribosomes, the cellular parts made of protein and ribosomal RNA.


It is present in DNA and protein molecules known as chromatin. The chromatin is further divided into heterochromatin and euchromatin according to their functions. Heterochromatin is present in adjoining the nuclear membrane, and it is a highly condensed, transcriptional form.

Nucleus Parts

Importance of nucleus

Following are the importance of the nucleus:

  • The nucleus consists of the cell’s genetic information and controls the cell’s reproduction and growth
  • The nucleus plays an important role in transporting material and energy molecules through the nuclear pores.
  • The nucleus helps in many important cellular processes.
  • The nucleus is a storage compartment for DNA
  • The nucleus plays an important role in producing ribosomes in the nucleolus.
  • Nucleus functions as the exchange of hereditary molecules that is RNA and DNA between the nucleus and other parts of the cell
  • It is the control center of an organism as it maintains the integrity of genes and gene expression.


  • The nucleus is spherical in shape and present in every cell.
  • The nucleus contains all the genetic and hereditary information.
  • The nucleus helps regulate all the activities of the cell, and it performs as the cell’s brain.
  • The structure of the nucleus consists of a Nuclear membrane, Nucleolus, Chromosomes, and nucleoplasm.
  • Without the nucleus, a cell cannot exist.


1. What is the main function of the nucleus?

The main function of the nucleus is to transport the energy molecules through nuclear pores and store genetic information.

2. What is a nucleus in simple words?

The Nucleus is an integral component of the cell, and It is a pivotal organelle responsible for maintaining all cellular activities. It is derived from the Latin word which means kernel of a nut.

3. What is the structure and function of the nucleus?

The Nucleus in a cell contains a nucleoplasm, also known as karyoplasm, a nuclear membrane also called the nuclear envelop, nucleolus, and chromosomes.

4. What is an example of the nucleus in real life?

The stomach is a real-life example of the nucleus, as it breaks down the food and transfers the energy molecules to the rest of the body.

5. What are the two functions of the nucleus?

  • The nucleus plays an important role in transporting material and energy molecules through the nuclear pores.
  • The nucleus plays an important role in producing ribosomes in the nucleolus.

6. What is the role of the nucleus in a cell?

  • The nucleus plays an important role in cellular reproduction. In cellular reproduction, the cell divides to form two new cells.
  • It Determines cell development and maturity by directing the chemical activities of the cell.
  • It helps in the transmission of hereditary traits from the parent to offspring.
  • It controls all metabolic activities of the cell.

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